Tuesday 25 October 2011

A few quotes and a funny picture!

The Lord is infinitely good, essentially. He is growingly good, experimentally. Spurgeon

"The only Christian you want to listen to is the one who gives you more of a hunger for God." AW Tozer

Our Lord’s great object in laying down his life upon the cross was the father’s glory. Spurgeon

"No man has found how far he can go with God because there is in the mysterious depths of God neither limit nor end." AW Tozer

If God be glorified, does it really matter where we are? What becomes of us is of small consequence compared with bringing glory to his name. Spurgeon

"You may be careless about your soul, but the devil is not." ~ J.C. Ryle

If you meet with a system of theology which magnifies man, flee from it as far as you can. Spurgeon

“But the firstling of an ass thou shalt redeem with a lamb: and if thou redeem him not, then shalt thou break his neck.” - Exodus_34:20

Every firstborn creature must be the Lord’s, but since the ass was unclean, it could not be presented in sacrifice. What then? Should it be allowed to go free from the universal law? By no means. God admits of no exceptions. The ass is his due, but he will not accept it; he will not abate the claim, but yet he cannot be pleased with the victim. No way of escape remained but redemption-the creature must be saved by the substitution of a lamb in its place; or if not redeemed, it must die. My soul, here is a lesson for thee. That unclean animal is thyself; thou art justly the property of the Lord who made thee and preserves thee, but thou art so sinful that God will not, cannot, accept thee; and it has come to this, the Lamb of God must stand in thy stead, or thou must die eternally. Let all the world know of thy gratitude to that spotless Lamb who has already bled for thee, and so redeemed thee from the fatal curse of the law. Must it not sometimes have been a question with the Israelite which should die, the ass or the lamb? Would not the good man pause to estimate and compare? Assuredly there was no comparison between the value of the soul of man and the life of the Lord Jesus, and yet the Lamb dies, and man the ass is spared. My soul, admire the boundless love of God to thee and others of the human race. Worms are bought with the blood of the Son of the Highest! Dust and ashes redeemed with a price far above silver and gold! What a doom had been mine had not plenteous redemption been found! The breaking of the neck of the ass was but a momentary penalty, but who shall measure the wrath to come to which no limit can be imagined? Inestimably dear is the glorious Lamb who has redeemed us from such a doom. Spurgeon’s Evening by Evening

The wolves discover that wearing a smile is just as effective as wearing sheep’s clothing.

(Here is a link to where I found the above picture! I rather like it!) http://sacredsandwich.com/

Monday 17 October 2011

"Reality" a poem by Frances Ridley Havergal

(Excerpt from "Traveling Toward Sunrise" by Mrs Charles E Cowman
In 1875 a young Christian, whose testimony to his faith in Christ had been met by the rejoinder that it was only phantom and sham, prayed in a meeting definitely asking the Lord that Frances Ridley Havergal might write a poem "to show what Thou art- a living bright Reality"; and waxing bold, he added, "and let her do it this very night."
On that evening Miss Havergal was at another meeting where a man in his prayer used the expression, "FATHER, WE KNOW THE REALITY OF JESUS CHRIST.' The expression made such a deep impression upon her that she went home and wrote a poem of nine stanzas, and dated it. When she recounted the incident, she added, "Does not this show the reality of prayer?")

REALITY, reality,
Lord Jesus Christ, Thou art to me!
From the spectral mists and driving clouds,
From the shifting shadows and phantom crowds; From unreal words and unreal lives,
Where truth with falsehood feebly strives;
From the passings away, the chance and change,
Flickerings, vanishings, swift and strange,
I turn to my glorious rest on Thee,
Who art the grand Reality.

Reality in greatest need,
Lord Jesus Christ, Thou art indeed!
Is the pilot real, who alone can guide
The drifting ship through the midnight tide?
Is the lifeboat real, as it nears the wreck,
And the saved ones leap from the parting deck?
Is the haven real, where the barque may flee
From the autumn gales of the wild North Sea?
Reality indeed art Thou,
My Pilot, Lifeboat, Haven now!

Reality, reality,
In brightest days art Thou to me!
Thou art the sunshine of my mirth,
Thou art the heaven above my earth,
The spring of the love of all my heart,
And the Fountain of my song Thou art;
For dearer than the dearest now,
And better than the best, art Thou,
Beloved Lord, in whom I see
Joy-giving, glad Reality.

Reality, reality,
Lord Jesus, Thou hast been to me!
When I thought the dream of life was past
And 'the Master's home-call' come at last;
When I thought I only had to wait
A little while at the Golden Gate,
Only another day or two,
Till Thou Thyself shouldst bear me through,
How real Thy presence was to me
How precious Thy Reality!

Reality, reality,
Lord Jesus Christ, Thou art to me!
Thy name is sweeter than songs of old,
Thy words are better than 'most fine gold,'
Thy deeds are greater than hero-glory,
Thy life is grander than poet-story;
But Thou, Thyself, for aye the same,
Art more than words and life and name!
Thyself Thou hast revealed to me,
In glorious Reality.

Reality, reality,
Lord Jesus Christ, is crowned in Thee.
In Thee is every type fulfilled,
In Thee is every yearning stilled
For perfect beauty, truth, and love;
for Thou art always far above
The grandest glimpse of our Ideal,
Yet more and more we know Thee real,
And marvel more and more to see
Thine infinite Reality.

Reality, reality
Of grace and glory dwells in Thee.
How real Thy mercy and Thy might!
How real Thy love, how real Thy light!
How real Thy truth and faithfulness!
How real Thy blessing when Thou dost bless!
How real Thy coming to dwell within!
How real the triumphs Thou dost win!
Does not the loving and glowing heart
Leap up to own how real Thou art?

Reality, reality!
Such let our adoration be!
Father, we bless Thee with heart and voice,
For the wondrous grace of Thy sovereign choice.
That patiently, gently, sought us out
In the far-off land of death and doubt,
That drew us to Christ by the Spirit's might,
That opened our eyes to see the light
That arose in strange reality,
From the darkness falling on Calvary.

Reality, reality,
Lord Jesus Christ, Thou art to me!
My glorious King, my Lord, my God,
Life is too short for half the laud,
For half the debt of praise I owe
For this blest knowledge, that 'I know
The reality of Jesus Christ,'--
Unmeasured blessing, gift unpriced!
Will I not praise Thee when I see
In the long noon of Eternity,
Unveiled, Thy 'bright Reality!'

Frances Ridley Havergal's poem: "Reality"

(I think that this poem is great and so is the story that is behind it!
What do you think??)

Thursday 13 October 2011

Time for some more quotes. Enjoy!

As the profane take the liberty to force their irreligion upon you, so you take the liberty to force your religion upon them. Spurgeon

Let us remember this as we look forward to the days yet to come: We know not what our days may be – bright or dark, many or few – but we know that we are in the hands of Him who does all things well. He will not err in any of His dealings with us. He will take away and give – He will move and He will settle – with perfect wisdom, at the right time, in the right way. The great Shepherd of the sheep makes no mistakes. He leads every lamb of His flock by the right way to the city of habitation. ~ J.C. Ryle

Death is no punishment to the believer: it is the gate of endless joy. Spurgeon

"If you profess to be a child of God, leave it to the Lord Jesus to sanctify you in His own way." ~ J.C. Ryle

One of these days you will want a microscope to find a grain of evangelical doctrine in a dozen sermons. Spurgeon

"The glory of God always comes at the sacrifice of self." AW Tozer

Scripture reading is our spiritual meal-time. Spurgeon

"The blood of Christ can cleanse away all sin. But we must 'plead guilty' before God can declare us innocent." ~ J.C. Ryle

The Bible in the memory is better than the Bible in the book case. Spurgeon

Monday 10 October 2011

Wow!!!! G.O.S.P.E.L.

G.O.S.P.E.L. from Humble Beast Records on Vimeo.

Although this isn't my usual style,! it's really great!!! Listen to the words- they're really powerful!!!!

Thursday 6 October 2011

Quotes for thought!

Dry doctrine, without the damping of the Spirit of God, may only make fuel for your eternal destruction. Spurgeon

"Once I put everything on the altar and LEAVE IT THERE, the brightness of God's smiling face will be seen." AW Tozer

A wise man does at first what a fool does at last. Spurgeon

Let us remember it as we look back over the days past of our lives, from the hour of our conversion. “Our Lord has done all things well.” In the first bringing us out of darkness into marvelous light–in humbling us and teaching us our weakness, guilt, and folly–in stripping us of our idols, and choosing all our portions in placing us where we are, and giving us what we have–how well everything has been done! How great the mercy that we have had on our own way! ~ J.C. Ryle

Whether we teach young Christians truth or not, the devil will be sure to teach them error. Spurgeon

See to it therefore that there be nothing that stands in any competition with
God in your esteem. Value Him more than all riches. Value His honour and glory more
than all the world. Be ready at all times to part with all things else and cleave
to God. Let God be your peculiar friend. Value His friendship more than the respect and
love of all the world. When you lose other enjoyments, when you lose earthly friends,
let this be a supporting, satisfying comfort to you, that you have God left. You
haven't lost God.
--Jonathan Edwards, "Christians a Chosen Generation,"

Though no man is free from the commission of sin, yet every converted man is free from the love of sin. Spurgeon

This is man. How can you guess why he is here? But when you find that man is "the child of a King" and that the earth is his royal inheritance, then you know that his first duty (and it ought to be his greatest pleasure) is to find out what God's will is concerning him, and to do it. He finds that God has revealed His will to him ; he finds that God says to him, "All this world is yours; even my sovereign will, will you restrain your will; do with these things just as you like--but remember that for every ounce of your strength, for every atom of your influence, and for every moment of your life, I will hold you responsible. All I ask of you is that you obey the laws that I, in my infinite wisdom, have made for your happiness--laws wiser than man can make for himself, laws that link his happiness to his virtue and his prosperity to his righteousness--laws that make it possible for him to rise up to and live upon that exalted plane to which I call my children." William Jennings Bryan (Scopes trial)

If God has set his choice upon us, let us aim to be choice men. Spurgeon

Definitely lots to think about there, and a few challenges!!

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Back to Capernwray

Well, yesterday was the beginning of Night School 2011-2012 at Capernwray Hall. My brother and I went (as we have done for several years!!). It was really good and encouraging. Both sessions were taken by Mark Thomas and the subject was the book of Hebrews (following on from last year when we reached chapter 10.) There were some very interesting points!!

Today, I've been reminded of every person's need to look to Jesus. He fulfills our every need and He is the only one who can truly satisfy! He calls us to come to Him and He delights when we acknowledge our dependence on Him.

"looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." (Hebrews 12:2)

and here's another verse that keeps cropping up recently:
"The eternal God is our refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms." (Deuteronomy 33:27)

Sunday 2 October 2011

Yes, its that time again. More quotes:)

This life is made up of shadows: substance lies elsewhere. Spurgeon

Wilt thou ever say again that thy God hath forsaken thee when he has graven thee upon His own palms? Spurgeon

The true mark of the saint is that he can waive his own rights and obey the Lord Jesus. Oswald Chambers

Not that our salvation should be the effect of our work, but our work should be the evidence of our salvation. Spurgeon

"In the greatest difficulties, in the heaviest trials, in the deepest poverty and necessities, He has never failed me." – George Muller

He is not the God of apostates, for he hath said, “If any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him.” Spurgeon

"The more my trust rests in God, the less I trust myself." AW Tozer (The Crucified Life)

This would be the first step in apostasy; men first forget the true, and then adore the false. Spurgeon

You could not be saved through any effort of your own, but now that you are saved it is necessary for you to put forward every effort you can to glorify Him. --H.A. Ironside

If you are God’s chosen ones, you will know it by your trusting in Jesus. Simple as that trust is, it is the infallible proof of election. Spurgeon

Jesus’ primary consideration is my absolute annihilation of my right to myself & my identification with Him. Oswald Chambers

Whatever may be said about election, it is written in the Word of God as with an iron pen; there is no getting rid of it, there it stands. Spurgeon

"HATE SIN! Instead of loving it, cleaving to it, excusing it, playing with it, we ought to hate it with a deadly hatred." ~ J.C. Ryle

There will be no doubt about His having chosen you, when you have chosen Him. Spurgeon