Wednesday 15 September 2021

The parable of the rotten mangoes

While you won't find this one in Scripture, I hope you will be as challenged as I was.

Imagine my delight when I received some beautiful looking large mangoes. I was looking forward to enjoying the delicious fruit. Cutting into them revealed that was not going to happen.

They were rotten! 

As I pondered the rotten mangoes I was reminded how the Lord looks for good fruit in our lives. How disappointed He must be when He sees what outwardly to others may appear beautiful but He sees the hidden inner depths and so often they are not a pretty sight. 

Lord, please don't let me fall into the trap of being such a hypocrite that people may say I have good fruit, if I have not repented of the corruption of malice or any other evil thing still lingering in my heart. Please make my fruit good and pleasing to You. Amen!