Monday 31 January 2011

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Another great song!

I really like the Casting Crowns "Until the Whole World hears" album.
So great!


Thursday 20 January 2011

Tozer's "Pursuit of God"

I read this today, and thought I would share it with you all.
"Jesus calls us to His rest and meekness is His method. The meek man cares not at all who is greater than he, for he has long ago decided that the esteem of the world is not worth the effort. He develops toward himself a kindly sense of humour and learns to say, "Oh, so you have been overlooked? They have placed someone else before you? They have whispered that you are pretty small stuff after all? And now you feel hurt because the world is saying about you the very things you have been saying about yourself? Only yesterday, you were telling God that you were a nothing, a mere worm of the dust. Where is your consistency? Come on, humble yourself, and cease to care what men think."
If you haven't read Tozer, its very worthwhile to do so! Enjoy.
What a privilege to be one of God's beloved worms!

Monday 3 January 2011

Happy New Year and song

Well, Happy New Year everyone!

Here's another great song!

I think it's especially significant when you realize that Amen is Hebrew for
and aren't you glad we have such a Faithful Lord and King?
