Saturday 30 November 2019

Something a little bit different...

Years ago, I heard the Bible Alphabet song. I'm using some of those verses for this project, but some different ones too.
I will be aiming to post one verse every few days going through the Alphabet. The X and Z verses are definitely stretching it, but it had to be done. :)

I was challenged to learn this one at JAM club quite a lot of years ago!
If you're up for a bit of a challenge too, you can memorise these with me. Ok?
Or perhaps you already know all of the ones I'll share. In that case, find another starting with that letter and memorise that one instead. :)

Sunday 24 November 2019

Some important truths to remember.

I was reminded of these verses at Church this morning.
We can trust the Lord. He is in control of all things.
Our lives and times are in His hands. 
He has promised many precious things in His Word and He will always be faithful!

Here's the link to the sermon. It's a good challenging one!