Sunday 4 September 2011

Time for a few more quotes to consider!!

If we know any thing of true saving religion, let us ever beware of the beginnings of backsliding. It is like the letting out of water, first a drop and then a torrent. Once out of the way of holiness, there is no saying to what we may come. Once giving way to petty inconsistencies, we may find ourselves one day committing every sort of wickedness. Let us keep far from the brink of evil. Let us not play with fire. Let us never fear being too particular, too strict, and too precise. No petition in the Lord’s prayer is more important than the last but one, “Lead us not into temptation.” ~ J.C. Ryle 
 No law can give me the right to do what is wrong. - Abraham Lincoln
 "Having made Jesus your all, you shall find all in Jesus." - C.H. Spurgeon 
 Let all who desire to please Christ, watch and pray against self-esteem. It is a feeling which is deeply rooted in our hearts. Thousands have come out from the world, taken up the cross, professed to forsake their own righteousness, and believe in Christ, who have felt irritated and annoyed when a person has been more honored than themselves. These things ought not so to be. We ought often to ponder the words of Paul, “Let nothing be done through strife or vain glory; but in lowliness of mind, let each esteem others better than themselves.” (Phil 2:3) Blessed is that person who can sincerely and gladly rejoice when others are exalted, though they themselves are overlooked and passed by! ~ J.C. Ryle 
 "Only after all the noise has spent itself do we begin to hear in the silence of our hearts, the voice of God." AW Tozer 
 Thus there will be three effects of nearness to Jesus—humility, happiness, and holiness. Spurgeon "Most Christians are satisfied living as common Christians, without an insatiable hunger for the deeper things of God." AW Tozer 
 The converse of saints on earth should be a rehearsal of their everlasting communion in heaven. Spurgeon 
 Nothing that man makes for man will endure. Build on, ye despots; but Time, a mightier king than you, will pull down all that you put up. Spurgeon  
Ye shall not have his smiles if the smiles of the world will do as well. Spurgeon

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